Tuesday, 19 March 2013


On Tuesday we made pikelets.

First we had to read the recipe, then we had to gather all of the ingredients,

" This is a hard word to spell said Jahq!"

"Pikelet's are my favourite food" said Zack.

"Can I mix it?" said Phoenix

"I love pancakes!" said Milo.

"For a special treat Mum lets us have these for tea" said Milo.

We melted the butter, cracked the eggs, whisked the sugar.
We measured the flour, a pinch of salt and baking powder.
Then we had to add the milk.
We poured the wet sloppy liquid into the dry flour.

The mixture went a bit lumpy!
We had to whisk it really fast until our arms hurt.
Our mixture smells delicious!

When the bubbles come to the top, it is time to turn them over.

Now we can choose what we want on top of our hot scrummy pikelets.
We had butter, jam or sprinkles...
Or all of these together!

We also made one each for all of the other kids in our class and Mrs Jones.

Lastly we used up all of our mixture to make a GIANT pancake for Mr Tucker!

Mr Tucker wants us to make pikelets again tomorrow!
He said they were delicious and he wants more with a big swirl of Golden Syrup on top next time!

Milo's Dad visits!

On Monday we had a special guest join us for our writing session, he wore a very crisp, white uniform.
His name is Simon.
Can you guess what job he does?

There is more exciting details to come on this mystery...
Stay tuned for the next instalment!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Phoenix Comic Life

Milo's Comic Life

Jahqwons Comic Life

Zacks Comic Life

Icecream Fun!

After the car wash it seemed we just had to refresh ourselves with a Frosty Boy ice cream!
The boys selected their flavour, Strawberry and Chocolate were the favourites!
Then they all laughed at getting 'brain freeze'.
Zack said " This is the best day EVER!"

The Carwash!

We decided it would be really fun to have a car wash!
And it was actually hilarious!
The boys squealed and screeched as we proceeded to be squirted, soaped, suds, engulfed in total darkness and then polished and blow dried!
Here are their stories...

The Car wash was fun it sounded like a thunderstorm.
When I smelled bubble gum I wanted to eat it but could'nt.
The wind drier sounded like a robot, I loked the car wash it was fun.

By Milo

We had to pay and put the code in and a lot of water is hitting the car.
The waves washing the car.

By Zack

We went for a car wash last Thursday.
It sounded like a tornado.
It looked like a rainbow.
It smelt like bubblegum.
It dried the car.

By Jahq

We waited for a car wash.
The car wash sounded like a rain storm.
We could not see out.
The bubbles looked like a rainbow.

By Phoenix

The boys did a fabulous job of trying to use our 5 senses to help us describe this shared experience!